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Naval Dockyards Society Conference

09/06/2022 - 12/06/2022

The Portsmouth Society is happy to help spread the word about this forthcoming event.

Naval Dockyards Society Conference

Dockyards as nodes of naval architecture, maritime traditions and cultural heritage

National Museum of the Royal Navy Portsmouth 9-11 June 2022 Action Stations, Boathouse No.6, Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, Portsmouth, PO1 3LJ

This 3-day hybrid international conference is sponsored by the Society for Nautical Research

Day 1. Building a warship 9 June 2022

Clare Hunt: HMS Trincomalee: Design, Construction and Modification, 1812–1900

Prof. Emeritus David Bradley: HMS Unicorn: Sir Robert Seppings, the Industrial Revolution and Developments in Warship Design

Dr Ian Buxton MBE: Supplying Machinery for Dockyard-built Warships

Brian Lavery: Shipbuilding in Shoreham in the 1690s: Benjamin Furzer – a One-Man Naval Base

Commander Martin R. Marks OBE, BSc (Eng) Design, Deploy, Decline and Dwindling – the story of the VIC (WW2 Victualling Inshore Craft)

David Griffiths: Building a Coastal Motor Boat for the 21st Century

KEYNOTE Speaker Dr Antony Firth MCIfA: Placing Warships: Reconnecting vessels and dockyards

Day 2. Dockyards as heritage 10 June 2022

Nick Ball: Chatham Ropery – the decline of 400 years of ropemaking? Or, the reinterpretation of the last of the great naval roperies?

Karoline-Sofie Hennum: Museum Collection Storage Conditions in Historical Dockyard Buildings – A Threat to The Long-Term Preservation of Maritime Collections?

Dr Katarzyna Jarosz: Abandoned ships. Exploring ageing dockyards in the post-Soviet space.

Dr Federico Camerin: The 2022 draft agreement for the regeneration of the Venice’s Arsenale. What if the Arsenale dies?

Dr Donatella Rita Fiorino: Research tools and inter-institutional synergies for sustainable redevelopment of former navy sites in La Maddalena Archipelago Sardinia (Italy).

Dr Celia Clark: Doing things differently: how do countries dispose of their surplus defence land? Do these differences offer losses or gains to ex-defence communities and sustainable reuse of historic structures?

KEYNOTE Speaker Sir Neil Cossons OBE FSA: Conservation Planning: Creative framework or straightjacket?

Day 3. Dockyards as global hubs and regional centres of maritime culture 11 June 2022

Dr Philip MacDougall: A Russian Monopoly: Britain’s Naval Stores Import Trade

Dr Catherine Scheybeler: Draining Cartagena Dry Docks: Meeting the Challenge with Steam Technology Dr Roger Morriss What motivated Samuel Bentham, Inspector General of Naval Works, 1796–1807?

Dr Mark Ericson: Samurai at Royal Dockyards

Dr Jakob Seerup: Dockyards as Reflections of Societies – A Franco-English diplomat’s perspective on the Copenhagen Royal Dockyards in 1702

Dr Ann Coats: Royal Dockyards translocated: Constructed communities and cultures – a Portsmouth and overseas focus

KEYNOTE Speaker Professor Andrew Lambert FKC: Dockyards, Fleets and Global Power: 1815–56

Optional specialist behind-the-scenes archive, ship, dockyard and harbour tours in the afternoons of 9 & 10 June to be finalised: Admiralty Library Naval Historical Branch Reading Room – Georgian Dockyard Walking Tour – Boathouse 4 – Harbour Tour – HMS Warrior – HMS Victory – some free, others chargeable.

CONFERENCE Booking form click here: Booking Form_7 Portsmouth Conference 2022.

N.B. book YOUR Accommodation yourself. EARLY BOOKING IS RECOMMENDED See Form_7 Portsmouth Conference 2022nces/

Web: Twitter: @DockyardSociety Facebook: NavalDockyardsSociety


Conference fee includes a buffet lunch and refreshment teas and coffees

Conference Reception 9 June HMS Victory: vegetarian, meat & fish canapés, prosecco & wine included

Conference Hot Fork Buffet 10 June in Princess Royal Gallery: 2 courses & dessert, sparkling wine, wine, tea & coffee included

This dovetails with the SNR AGM, so SNR members can attend both.

Purchasing NDS membership for a year will give you the member price plus our journal Transactions and two Dockyards newsletters.

*If the physical Conference has to be cancelled due to government Covid regulations or by the Museum, it will be run as an online Conference and the fee difference will be refunded.


QUERIES: contact Dr Ann Coats

Web: Twitter: @DockyardSociety

Facebook: NavalDockyardsSociety

Member price applies to NDS, SNR, PRDHT, SNR(S), HBPT, Portsmouth Society, 1805 Club, Nelson Society member, full-time student from an ‘ac’ email address.

Please complete one form per delegate.

Please return booking form to Treasurer: David Jenkins, 5 Beeby Way, Carlton, Bedfordshire, MK43 7LW, UK by post or email:

BACS: Account Name Naval Dockyards Society, Sort Code 60-09-16, Account No. 51358719; PayPal: Go to the website and ask to send money. Enter email:; enter amount; Payee Reference: Portsmouth Dockyard CONFERENCE A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H, click OK; and confirm your details to this email. Cheque to Treasurer.


NDS 2022 hybrid conference

I am booking a NDS 2022 Conference place by selecting my choice below.

I am making a non-refundable* payment: BACS/PayPal/cheque to Naval Dockyards Society of £…….……

Select ‘Member’ or ‘Non-member’ column (definitions above)

  Event category £ Member £ Non-member
A Discounted 3-Day In-person Conference, HMS Victory Reception 9 June & Princess Royal Gallery Dinner 10 June 185.00 210.00
B 3-Day in-person Conference & Reception, no Buffet 10 June 130.00 145.00
C 1-or 2-days In-person Conference no Reception or Buffet (specify days) (price per day) 70.00 85.00
D In-person Conference Thurs 9 June only & HMS Victory Reception 120.00 140.00
E In-person Conference Fri 10 June only & Princess Royal Gallery Buffet 120.00 140.00
F Discounted 3-Day Online Conference 85.00 100.00
G 1-or 2-days Online Conference (price per day) (specify days) 35.00 45.00
H Membership of Naval Dockyards Society for one year ——- 25.00
J Just Dinner/s (price per day) (specify days) 35.00 40.00

Please confirm/delete as required: I am/not disabled / have a medical problem of which NDS should be aware (specify):

State any dietary requirements:

Name, address, mobile telephone for last minute and conference contact, email, date:

Booking Form_7 Portsmouth Conference 2022




National Museum of the Royal Navy


Portsmouth Historic Dockyard
Action Stations, Boathouse No.6, Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, Portsmouth, PO1 3LJ
Portsmouth, PO1 3LJ
+ Google Map